
Repeated Words

Hall of Asian Mammals

The Hall of Asian Mammals, sometimes referred to as the

Vernay-Faunthorpe Hall of Asian Mammals, is a one-story hall

located directly to the left of the Theodore Roosevelt Rotunda.

It contains 8 complete dioramas, 4 partial dioramas, and 6

habitat groups of mammals and locations from India, Nepal,

Burma, and Malaysia. The hall opened in 1930 and, similar to

Akeley Hall, is centered around 2 Asian elephants. At one

point, a giant panda and Siberian tiger were also part of the

Hall's collection, originally intended to be part of an adjoining

Hall of North Asian Mammals (planned in the current location

of Stout Hall of Asian Peoples). These specimens can currently

be seen in the Hall of Biodiversity.

Reading Comprehension

De acordo com o texto é incorreto afirmar:

a) O corredor de animais mamíferos asiáticos fica localizado no

Theodore Roosevelt Rotunda.

b) O corredor de animais mamíferos asiáticos contém 9

dioramas completos.

c) O grupo de animais que ficam nos dioramas são originários

da Índia, Nepal, Burma e Malásia.

d) O corredor de animais mamíferos asiáticos foi inaugurado

em 1930.

e) O corredor comporta um grupo de 6 grupos de mamíferos.​