
1)My dad's boss
New York.

Dogs and cats
a) lives
b) is living
c) live

2)Dogs and cats.

a) barks / meows
b) is barking / is meowing
c) bark / meow

3)The company-on.
thousand people a year.

a)is hiring
b) hire
c) hires

feed on meat.
Liz two litres of

5)Cows feed on meat.

a) don't
b) doesn't
c) are not

6)Liz two litres of whater day

a) drink
b) is drinking
c) drinks

7)Jallet and Margo the
same accent.

a) have
b) has
c) are having​

por favor gente o meu professor está cobrando​

Resposta :


se for pra traduzir Chefe do meu pai

Nova york.

Cachorros e gatos

a) vive

b) está vivendo

c) ao vivo

2) Cães e gatos.

a) latidos / miados

b) está latindo / miando

c) latido / miado

3) A empresa-on.

mil pessoas por ano.

a) é hiri

On Learnings: Outras perguntas