Read the cartoon on the right and choose the correct item that answers each question that follows (️◽or ◽).write the answers in your notebook.
a) In what historical period is the scene depicted in the cartoon set?
( ) The Age of Discovery (15th-17th centuries), a period during which Europeans explored Africa, the Americas, Asia and Oceania ( ) The Age of Enlightenment (17th-18th centuries), a cultural movement of intellectuals, first in Europe and later in the American colonies.
b) How does the colonizer address the native inhabitants?
( ) Rudely.
( ) Politely.
We'd like you to embrace the concept of cultural diversity...
c) What is the colonizer's real intention?
( )He wants to assimilate the culture of the native inhabitants.
( ) He wants to impose the culture of his country on the native inhabitants
d) What is the tone of the cartoon? ( ) Sad ( ) Ironic
e) Which verb forms complete the following sentence about the topic of the cartoon?
During the European colonization of the Americas, explorers ☆control of the native inhabitants' land and☆ their culture and ideologies on them.