
me ajudem é pra agora

2 – Reescreva as sentenças usando “genitive case” corretamente.

a) The dress of my aunt is new

b) The hat of Mr. Smith is funny.

c) The toys of the babies are colorful.

d) The books of the students are old.

e) The offices of the lawyers are big.

f) The skirts of the women are red.

g) The crown of the princess is beautiful.

h) The house of those people.

i) The stories of the adults.

j) The experience of my friend.​

Resposta :


a. my aunt's dress is new

b. Mr. Smith's hat is funny

c. the babies' toys are colorful

d. the students' books are old

e. the lawyers' offices are big

f. the woman's skirts are red

g. the princess's crown is beautiful

h. those people's house

I. the adults' stories

j. my friend's experience