Resposta :
⇒⇒ Prepositions
São muito comuns na língua inglesa e são usadas frequentemente nas frases. São palavras curtas que aparecem, normalmente, depois de um substantivo. Também podem aparecer após um verbo terminado em ''-ing''
I haven't talked to Liza since she moved to Rio.
Susan left her keys on the table.
My parents came from Belgium.
I 'll go to the post office later.
Peter lives at Paulista Av 1.700.
My cat used to sleep under the table.
a. since ⇔ desde
I have lived in Texas since 1990.
b. above ⇔ acima
The temperature was above 40C last Saturday.
The birds were flying above our heads.
c. about ⇔ sobre
I need to talk to you about Susan.
d. next to ⇔ perto / próximo
The armchair is next to the sofa.
e. against ⇔ contra
John, you shouldn't do that because it's against the law.
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