DARA ALUN -2/2021 A GOVERNO DO ESTADO DO PARA SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE EDUCAÇÃO AVALIAÇÃO DIAGNOSTICA PARA ALUNOS DO EJA 12 ANO ENSINO MÉDIO PERIODO DE ATIVIDADE 03/02/2021 A 26/02/2021 NOME COMPLETO: TURMA: TEL. CONTATO: LINGUA ESTRANGEIRA 1.Leia o texto abaixo. Hi Joe! How are you? How's your uncle? I'm OK. I'm on holiday with my family. We're at a small hotel in France. It's near the beach. The hotel is new and there are lots of nice people here. It's fun here! The beach is great, but my little sister is afraid of the water . She's with my grandma now They are in the hotel garden, Mum and Dad are in the sea. We are outdoors most of the time. The restaurant next to the hotel is very good, and the waiters are nice. Here is a photo of me with my brother. We are behind a sandcastle, and there is a crab in front of the sandcastle. Bye for now! Alice Marque a opção correta de acordo com o texto. ponto Alice is with her boyfriend. The hotel is small. Alice's sister is afraid of gardens The waiters are new.