
2. Leia o texto e responda as perguntas em inglês.
15th August
Hi Joannel
Im sending you o letter from Fuengirola. I'm on holiday here with my family. I'm writing this letter on the beach!
We're staying in a really nice hotel next to the beach. There are a lot of young people here. There's a disco at the
hotel every evening- it's really cool.
At the moment dod is swimming in the sea. Mum Isn't swimming but she's wearing her bikini and she's reading a
magazine. My brother is shopping - he wants to buy some new shorts and a cap. I com see him now-he's trying on
some funny hotsi
I hope you re having a good holiday in Scotland. Send me a postcard!
a) Where is Zoe at the moment?
b) How often is there a disco at the hotel?
c) What is Zoe's dad doing?
d) Where is Joanne spending her holiday?
e) is Zoe's brother shopping?
3. Lela o texto abaixo.​

Resposta :

a) Zoe is on the beach, in Fuengirola.
b) Really cool
c)Zoe's dad is swimming in the sea
d) Joanne is spending the holiday in Scotland.
e) Yes, he is