Resposta :
11. Sentence 1 - affirmative form:
R: This was the best year of my life.
13 Sentence 1 - negative form:
R: This wasn't the best year of my life
14 Sentence 1 - interrogative form:
R: Was this the best year of my life ?
15 Sentence 2 - affirmative form:
R: My life changed and I had many things to do every day
16 Sentence 2 - negative form:
R:My life didn't change and I didn't have many things to do every day
17 Sentence 2 - interrogative form:
R: Had my life changed and had I many things to do every day?
18 Sentence 3 - affirmative form:
R: I started a business and worked a lot.
19 Sentence 3 - negative form:
R: I didn't start a business and didn't worked a lot.
20 Sentence 3 - interrogative form:
R: Had I started a business and had I worked a lot?
Saindo dessa plataforma cocô :c