Resposta :
R: 1) Past experiences with no specific past time given?
R: Presente perfeito (present perfect): Pronome+ to have+ partÃcipio.
Ex: I have studied so much... - eu tenho estudado tanto...
2) An action in progress in the past?
R: Passado contÃnuo (past continuous): Pronome+ passado simples do verbo to be (was,were) + verbo com ing.
Ex: I was dancing in the party (eu estava dançando na festa)
3) A completed action in the past?
R: Passado simple (simpIe past): Pronome + verbo ( regulares e irregulares com ed ou não respectivamente).
Ex: I finished my homework yesterday (eu terminei meu dever ontem).
4) A habit or repeated action in the present?
R: Presente simples (simple present): Pronome + o verbo normal.
Ex: I usually *go* to the gym at Mondays (eu geralmente vou para a academia na segunda).
5) An action in progress in the present?
R: Present continuous (presente contÃnuo): Pronome+ verbo+ ing.
Ex: I am eating now so don't mess me up (eu estou comendo agora, então não me atrapalhe).
6) An action that started sometime in the past and is still continuing?​
R: Presente perfeito contÃnuo (present perfect continuous): pronome+ have+ partÃcipio been+ verbo com ing).
Ex: I have been running since 08.00 o'clock a.m ( eu venho correndo desde as 8 horas da manhã)
Ex: I've been drinking water since I was to hospital (eu venho bebendo água desde que fui pro hospital).