
Look at the map on page 27 and complete the sentences with a preposition. (Olhe o mapa da

página 27 e complete as frases com uma preposição.)

a.) The catholic church is _______the bus station and the town hall.

b.) The town hall is _______the concert hall.

c.) It is possible to go ______the library ________ the art hall on foot.

d.) East station is _______ the Museum of Art.​

Resposta :


Look at the map on page 27 and complete the sentences with a preposition. (Olhe o mapa da

página 27 e complete as frases com uma preposição.)

a.) The catholic church is _______the bus station and the town hall.

b.) The town hall is _______the concert hall.

c.) It is possible to go ______the library ________ the art hall on foot.

d.) East station is _______ the Museum of Art.

On Learnings: Outras perguntas