
complete as frases com as palavras abaixo
1-The person inviting you to attend a meeting on zoom is called the ________. 2- People, candidates and ________ are all _________ of the meeting. 3- Normally, meetings on zoom are arranged from before which we term as  ____________ _________.

4- In order to attend a meeting we login our ____________ ___ and _________. 5- When a participant joins a meeting, the host accepts him/her by clicking on the  _________ button.

6- A zoom ___________ is sent to the participant, so that he can attend the  meeting.

7- Before conducting a meeting, you must always do a ______ and ______ check. 8- If the host doesn’t want the participant in the meeting he can refuse or _______ . 9- When conducting a meeting as a host make sure you are ________ and _______. 10- If you have network issues you must _________ and ________. 11- When sharing a powerpoint or slideshow with your participants you must click  on _________ ________.

12- If you don’t want any interference by the public you must request them to  _______ ________ and __________ ___________.

13- Before conducting a zoom meeting, always check the ________. This will enable  you to block or unblock some functions that you may or may not need. 14- When you have the meeting id and password in hand you can _______  _________ .

15- As a host you can change your _________ ________ so that you look more  presentable and professional. It can be your own image or the image on the zoom  platform.

16- The host can _______ ________ (to make another person a host). 17- A gathering online or outdoors with a group of people or between 2 people is  called a__________.

18- Zoom is a _________ that helps people connect and conduct classes, meetings  and presentations.

19- You can always type in the ______ _______ if you want to send a message  across to the host or participant in order to avoid talking.


Chat box







Scheduled Meeting  Join Meeting


Meeting ID




Share Screen


Mute Mic

Mute Video

Make Host

Accept invitation  Audible




Background image​

Resposta :

1 host

2 viewers/ participants

3 scheduled meeting

4 meeting id and password

5 admit

6 invitation

7 video/ sound

8 decline

9 visible audible

10 Disconnect / reconnect

11 share screen

12 mute mic/ mute video

13 settings

14 join meeting

15 background image

16 make host

17 meeting

18 platform

19 chatbox

1- The person inviting you to attend a meeting on zoom is called the host.

2- People, candidates and viewers are all participants of the meeting.

3- Normally, meetings on zoom are arranged from before which we term as scheduled meeting

4- In order to attend a meeting we login our meeting id and password

5- When a participant joins a meeting, the host accepts him/her by clicking on the admit button.

6- A zoom invitation is sent to the participant, so that he can attend the meeting.

7- Before conducting a meeting, you must always do a video and sound check.

8- If the host doesn’t want the participant in the meeting he can refuse or decline.

9- When conducting a meeting as a host make sure you are visible and audible

10 If you have networkissues you must_ Disconnect and reconnect.

11- Whensharingapowerpointorslideshowwithyourparticipantsyoumustclick on share screen.

12- Ifyoudon’twantanyinterferencebythepublicyoumustrequestthemto mute mic and mute video

13- Beforeconductingazoommeeting,alwayscheckthe settings.Thiswillenable you to block or unblock some functions that you may or may not need.

14- Whenyouhavethemeetingidandpasswordinhandyoucan join meeting .

15- Asahostyoucanchangeyour background image sothatyoulookmore presentable and professional. It can be your own image or the image on the zoom platform.

16- Thehostcan_ make host_(tomakeanotherpersonahost).

17- Agatheringonlineoroutdoorswithagroupofpeopleorbetween2peopleis called a meeting.

18- Zoomisa_ platform_thathelpspeopleconnectandconductclasses,meetings and presentations.

19- Youcanalwaystypeinthe_ chatbox_ifyouwanttosendamessage


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