4. Assinale a alternativa correta. Os testes a seguir referem-se a Graus de Adjetivos:
1. Have you noticed that news is becoming ____________?
a) worse and worst
b) worst and worse
c) worse and worse
d) the worst and worse
e) more and more worse
2. _____________ I examine your proposal, ____________ I like it.
a) the more carefully / the more
b) the most careful / the more
c) the more careful / the most
d) the carefully / the most
e) the most carefully / the more
3. Is Brazil ____________ country in South America?
a) the larger
b) the large
c) most large
d) the most large
e) the largest
4. I think that this computer is ____________ than that one.
a) more new
b) newer
c) news
d) the newest
e) newest
5. Do you believe that our house is ____________ yours?
a) as comfortable as
b) so comfortable than
c) more comfortable
d) not so comfortable than
e) not as comfortable than
6. Bananas are ____________ strawberries in Brazil.
a) common than
b) as common than
c) more common as
d) more common than
e) the commonest of