Resposta :
⇒⇒ To be used to
⇒⇒ Should
9) In your opinion, should I stay or should I go?
10) I have to be strong! I mustn't give up!
11) We must have a passport to travel abroad.
12) I am used to watching TV every evening.
13) Helen is used to getting up early.
14) Are you used to studying in the morning?
15) You should give her a present. It ́s her birthday.
⇒⇒ To be used to >> estar acostumado a fazer algo (verbo ''to be'' no presente)
am / is / are + used to + verbo -ing
She is used to studying different languages.
Ela está acostumada a aprender idiomas diferentes.
I am used to doing these things.
Eu estou acostumada a fazer essas coisas.
The kids are used to playing soccer on Sunday morning.
As crianças estão acostumadas a jogar futebol domingo de manhã.
⇒⇒ Should >>> ''modal verb'' usado para dar conselho
You should study more.
Should I leave now?
The children should go to be earlier.
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