
Coloque os verbos "GO e Wash" na forma correta do "SIMPLE PRESENT" na atividade abaixo. Exemplo: I go, he goes.

Verbo to wash
1. I_________
3. He_______
6. We________
7. They_______

Coloque Os Verbos GO E Wash Na Forma Correta Do SIMPLE PRESENT Na Atividade Abaixo Exemplo I Go He Goes Verbo To Wash 1 I 2You 3 He 4She 5It 6 We 7 They class=

Resposta :


Verbo to wash

I wash

You wash

He washes

She washes

It washes

We wash

They wash

I - wash
you - wash
he/she/it - washes
we - wash
they - wash
I - go
you - go
he/she/it - goes
we - go
they - go

espero ter ajudado<3