HENRIQUEALVESPPAA9DDON HENRIQUEALVESPPAA9DDON Inglês Respondido Read the text:Michelle: The year is ending. Let's throw a party! Claire: It sounds great! We'll invite everyone in year 11.Michelle: The girls will be responsible for the snacks and the boys will bring the drinks.Claire: Anne is very creative. She'll certainly take over the decoration.Michelle: Let's tell everyone.Later on.Brian: Hi, Claire. What's up?Claire: Michelle and I have decided to have a party.Brian: That's awesome!Claire: The girls are going to bring the snacks and the boys are going to buy the drinks. Anneis going to do the decorationBrian: May I take a friend with me?Answer these questions:1. Qual é o tempo verbal?2. Qual é o assunto?3. Quem são as personagens?4. Quais são as palavras parecidas com o português?5. Escreva um parágrafo em inglês continuando o diálogo, por exemplo, o que aconteceu durante a festa?