
O simple future vem antes do verbo.
I will work
You will work
He will work
She will work
It will work
We will work
You will work
They will work
a) I drink beer and wine.
b) They work at the store.
c) Bob and Jim eat bread and cheese.
d) My mother travel in the morning.​

ImportanteO Simple Future Vem Antes Do VerboI Will WorkYou Will WorkHe Will WorkShe Will WorkIt Will WorkWe Will WorkYou Will WorkThey Will Worka I Drink Beer A class=

Resposta :


A- i will drink beer and wine

B- they will work at the store

C- bob and jim will eat bread and cheese

D- my mother will travel in the morning


O futuro simples é representado pelo will. Em frases afirmativas, ele sempre vem antes do verbo, como nas alternativas i will drink... (eu beberei), they will work... (eles trabalharão)