ME AJUDA Question: 7) As frases abaixo foram escritas corretamente usando o futuro Simples WILL, na Afirmativa, Negativa ou Interrogativa, Exceto;
a- ( ) I will go to the cinema tomorrow. b- ( ) Will you stay at home in the Evening? C- ( ) She will not study at the same school this year. d- ( ) He will to play football now. e- ( ) We will not go to school this month.
Question: 8) Todas as frases abaixo foram escritas usando o Superlativo dos adjetivos corretamente, exceto;
a- ( ) This is the best book that I have read. b- ( ) Mercury is the smallest planet. C- ( ) Teresina is the hottest capital in Brazil. d- ( ) Alice is the intelligentest student in her Family. e- ( ) John is the most intelligent boy at school.
Question: 9) Os comparativos de Igualdade estão corretamente usados, exceto;
a- ( ) Chocolate is as good as ice cream. b- ( ) Coffee is as hot as tea. C- ( ) Snake is as dangerous as scorpion. d- ( ) Carlos is as strongest as Matheus. e-( ) Car is as fast as motorcycle.​