Resposta :
I: read/teach/cry
You: read/teach/cry
He/She/It: reads/teaches/cries
We: read/teach/cry
You: read/teach/cry
They: read/teach/cry
Conjugando os verbos no presente simples (simple present) a conjugação segue a regrinha - o verbo fica igual para todos os sujeitos, com exceção He, She e It - nestes três pronomes você precisa adicionar "s", "es" ou "ies" no final do verbo.
Se mudar o tempo verbal, muda a conjugação, então atenção para não errar.
Verbo To Read
I: read
You: read
He: Reads
She reads
It reads
We: read
You: read
They: read
Verbo To Teach
I teach
You teach
He teaches
She teaches
It teaches
We teach
You teach
They teach
Verbo To Cry
I cry
You cry
He cries
She cries
It cries
We cry
You cry
They cry