
Chapuons don't win game by accident. They plan for them. They always begin the competition with one goal in mind: winning.
Even if the statistics are aganist them, they still beliver they can win the game.
Chapions win big because they dream big.
So winning begins in your mind. If you van see yourself as chapions, you have a grat chance of winning. Your attitudes makes all the difference.
Apply this pricinple to other areas of you life. When you think of your future, think big. Never settle for second best. Decide to study work, play at your highest level of achievement.
If you can ser it in your mind you can achieve it. If you want big achievements, you must have big dreams.
1_ Answer the questions
a) Do champions win games by accident?
b) What do champions do before a competition?
c) How do champions beging a competition?
d) What happens if the statistics against them?
e) What is a big drem thet you have yourself?

Resposta :


1) No (Não sei se é em inglês, mas a resposta é não)

2) They plan for them.

3) They always begin the competition with one goal in mind: winning.

4) They still beliver they can win the game.

5) You can set it in your mind you can achieve it. If you want big achievements, you must have big dreams.

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