⇒⇒ Possessive adjective
⇒⇒ Possessive pronoun
1. That accident was HER/hers fault and not my/MINE.
2. I can give you MY/mine red pen if you give me YOUR/yours blue one instead.
3. Dish washers were invented to make OUR/ours life easier.
4. OUR/ours car is a fast one, but it is not as comfortable as their/THEIRS, our neighbours.
5. She pretends that the book is her/HERS, but I know that it is my/MINE.
6. This is MY/mine red dress and it is much nicer than your/YOURS.
7. That is not MY/mine umbrella. My/MINE is red and your/YOURS is black and white.
8. MY/mine house is much bigger than your/YOURS but OUR/ours garden is smaller.
9. The neighbours have got three children but I don't know THEIR/theirs names.
10. Can I use YOUR/yours phone? My/MINE doesn't work.
→→ Possessive adjectives >>> usado para expressar posse - sempre acompanhado de um substantivo
I >>> possessivo ''my'' >> my car
You >>> possessivo ''your'' >> your mother
He >>> possessivo ''his'' >> his father
She >>> possessivo ''her'' >> her sister
It >>> possessivo ''its'' >> its toy
We >>> possessivo ''our'' >> our friends
They >>> possessivo ''their'' >> their bikes
→→ Possessive pronoun >>> é usado para substituir alguma palavra (frase nominal ou substantivo) da frase para evitar a repetição.
Susan showed me her bike. And Bob showed his.
Susan me mostrou a bike dela. (sua bike) . E Bob mostrou a dele. (sua bike)
Para evitar a repetição da palavra ''bike'' foi usado o ''possessive pronoun'', que nunca vem acompanhado do substantivo, exatamente para não repetir.
David, are you using my laptop? - No, I am using mine.
David, você está usando meu laptop? - Não, estou usando o meu. (meu laptop)
Possessivo + substantivo = my car - your brother - our teacher
Após o ''Possessive pronoun'' NÃO TEM SUBSTANTIVO.
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