Resposta :
⇒⇒ Simple present
⇒⇒ Simple past
a) My father worked last Saturday. (to work - PAST - AFFIRMATIVE)
b) She dances very well. ( to dance- PRESENT- AFFIRMATIVE)
c) My parents live in Bauru (to live -PRESENT-AFFIRMATIVE)
d) Where did you go yesterday? (to go- PAST- INTERROGATIVE)
e) We will start a new course. (to start- future- AFFIRMATIVE)
f) My sister doesn't like pizza. (to like- PRESENT- NEGATIVE)
g) Peter needs to study more. (to need- present- AFFIRMATIVE)
h) Laura and John study at the same school. ( to study - PRESENT - AFFIRMATIVE)
i) Does your brother work? to work- PRESENT- INTERROGATIVE)
J) I don't know how to arrive at that place. (to know- PRESENT - NEGATIVE)
⇒⇒ Simple Past >>> Tempo verbal usado para falar sobre coisas que aconteceram no passado e não estão mais acontecendo no presente.
Em inglês, os verbos podem ser classificados em ''regular'' - terminam em ''ed'' quando estão no passado e ''irregular'' que terminam de forma diferente quando estão no passado. A maioria dos verbos, em inglês, são regulares.
∴∴ Alguns Verbos regulares ∴∴
to watch ⇔ washed
to wash ⇔ washed
to listen ⇔ listened
Atenção >>> Cada verbo irregular tem sua forma própria de fazer o passado, ou seja, não segue nenhuma regra e, por isso, é necessário decorá-los.
∴∴ Alguns verbos irregulares ∴∴
1. Susan bought a new car last week.
2. The kids went to the club.
3. My father was here in the morning.
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a) worked
b) dance
c) live
d) did / go
e) will start
f) likes
g) needs
h) study
i) Does / work
j) don't know