
como mudar essas frases para forma negativa abreviada

•the boys are Studying now.
•I can use your telephone.
•She was a beautiful woman.
•You were my friends.
•We could white a newspaper

Resposta :

Resposta: para vc passar uma frase para negativa, vc precisa adicionar o not dps dos verbos are, can, was/were, could

Na frase The boys are studying now, vc adiciona o not dps do are, ou muda para aren't

Vou mostrar como vão ficar as frases

•the boys are not/aren't Studying now.

•I can not/can't use your telephone.

•She was not/wasn't a beautiful woman.

•You were not/weren't my friends.

•We could not/ couldn't write a newspaper


Oii td bem? Espero que sim :)

the boys aren't studying now

I can't use your telephone

She wasn't a beautiful woman

You weren't my friends

We couldn't write a newspaper


Espero ter te ajudado, Boa sorte com seus estudos!