
1. Write questions for the answers.
No, I have never gone skydiving in Rio.
No, I have never taken Spanish lessons.
No, she has never tried doing parkour.
No, they have never gone rafting.
Yes, I have already read some books in English.
No, I have never faced a risky situation​

Resposta :

a) Did you go skydiving in Rio? (você foi fazer paraquedismo no Rio?)

b) Did you take Spanish lessons? (você pegou aulas de espanhol?)

c) Did she try parkour? (ela tentou parkour?)

d) Did they go rafting? (eles foram fazer rifting?)

e) Did you read books in English? (você leu livros em inglês?)

f) Did you face a risky situation? (você já encarou uma situação de risco?)

Bons estudos!

On Learnings: Outras perguntas