me ajudar pfvr estou com dificuldades é para hoje

To play
I play
you play
he plays
we play
you play
they play
To work
I work
you work
he works
we work
you work
they work
To come
I come
you come
he comes
we come
you come
they come
To buy
I buy
you buy
he buys
we buy
you buy
they buy
To want
I want
you want
he wants
we want
you want
they want
To stop
I stop
you stop
he stops
we stop
you stop
they stop
To say
I say
you say
he says
we say
you say
they say
To wait
I wait
you wait
he waits
we wait
you wait
they wait
To learn
I learn
you learn
he learns
we learn
you learn
they learn