
1) Assinale a alternativa onde todas as palavras se referem a membros da Family
a) ( ) White, mother, apple, brother
b) ( ) brother, black, melon, father
c) mother, brother father, grandparents
d) () mother, brother, apple, father.
2) Assinale a alternativa em que o verbo TO BE esteja escrito na frase abaixo corretamente
na forma afirmativa:
a) ( ) We am good friends.
b) ( ) They is my parentes.
e) ( ) She are a beautiful girl
d) ( ) He is my best friend,
3) Marque a alternativa em que a frase está escrita corretamente na forma negativa
a) ( ) 1 not good student.
b) ( ) I'm not a good student
c) ( ) She are a good student
d) ( ) She are not a good student.​

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On Learnings: Outras perguntas