complete as frases usando is, was, were e are

16.a) Andrea is in Brazil now.Last year she was in the USA.
b)Rio is not the capital of Brazil now.It was the capital in 1930.
c)There are many new students in this term.Last term there were very few.
d)There are many CD's in this shop today,but yesterday there were only the old ones.
e)They are reading now,but a few minutes ago they were doing sports.
17.a)Simple past-waked/woke
Past participle-waked/woken
b)Simple past-put
Past participle-put
c)Simple past-had
Past participle-had
d)Simple past-saw
Past participle-seen
e)Simple past-told
Past participle-told
f)Simple past-went
Past participle-gone
g)Simple past-was
Past participle-been
h)Simple past-ate
Past participle-eaten