ANONYMEON ANONYMEON Matemática Respondido 04 - Fill in the story using SOME, ANY, NO, or Ø.CAUSE FOR ALARM!‘_______________ children and ______________ grown-upsmust do their best to keep the world clean’, Mr. Fox saidto his class. ‘Sometimes we see ______________ rubbishin the streets and we must pick it up. Sometimes we eat_____________ sweets andwemustputthewrappings inthebin. We must all work together so there’s ______________rubbish in the world. Never throw _____________ plasticinto the sea! There’s _______________ tar on the beaches. There’s ______________ oil in the sea. If wepour _________________ poison into ourrivers, _________________ fish die. This is called _____________pollution. This weekend, see if you can find ________________ examples of pollution and write________________ sentences about it’. Jimmy looked very worried when he went home. On Monday, hehanded in his composition. ‘Yesterday we had __________________ sardines for lunch. Mummy openedthe tin, but all the fish were dead and the tin was full of oil!