
I- Assinale a alternativa correta usando ( ' ) or ( 's ) :
Peter__ daughter is here.
a) ‘ b) ‘s

The girls__ room is very nice.
a) ‘ b) ‘s

Children__ toys are new.
a) ‘ b) ‘s

4. Bob__ grandparents come here every weekend.
a) ‘ b) ‘s

5. My parents__ house is big.
a) ‘ b) ‘s

6. My cousin__ T-shirt is blue.
a) ‘ b) ‘s

Resposta :


Peter'S daughter is here.

a) ‘

b) ‘s

The girls' room is very nice.

a) ‘

b) ‘s

Children'S toys are new.

a) ‘

b) ‘s

4. Bob'S grandparents come here every weekend.

a) ‘

b) ‘s

5. My parents' house is big.

a) ‘

b) ‘s

6. My cousin'S T-shirt is blue.

a) ‘

b) ‘s


Se terminar com S, use apenas o '.

Se terminar com outra letra, use o 's.

Se for um nome próprio, é melhor manter o 's mesmo terminando em s.