
As frases abaixo estão incompletas. Complete-as usando o Simple Past dos verbos entre parênteses na forma correta.
a)Dan __________________________ (leave) very early today.
b) Sam and Sue __________________________ (buy) a new house last month.
c)I __________________________ (visit) Germany the previous week.
d) You __________________________ (play) very well.
e) They __________________________ (find) this book on their trip to Italy.
f) I __________________________ (bake) this cake by myself.
g) We __________________________ (open) the store in 1987.
h) The rain finally __________________________ (stop).
i) She __________________________ (plan) to come.
j) Kate __________________________ (have) a big house.
k) Rose __________________________ (be) very thin.
l) You __________________________ (be) at work yesterday morning.