
Leia o post escrito por uma pessoa que é a favor de morar no campo e escreva (T) para

verdadeiro e (F) para falso.

a. The author mentions some advantages of his/her option. ( )

b. The author lives in the country and in the city. ( )

c. The author wrote the post when he /she was in the country. ( )

d. He / she says that things like computers and flat-screen TVs are related to city life. ( )

Is country life better than city life?

Country life is way better than city life! Just think of all the opportunities that city dwelling people

are missing out on! These are benefits of country. And I can’t see why the city going people

can’t see them! You are missing out on so much! Like clean air, peace, privacy, nature and

animal friends! As a city and country dwelling person( Yes, I also live in the city) I would take

country living over city living anytime. You don’t need a computer and a flat-screen TV to be

happy. All you need is out here in the country ( Yes, I am writing this from the city, I can’t really

choose where I am the moment) with the birds, sheep, horses and ( my personal favorite)

COWS!!! Yes, you can rest assured that country living is better for the mind and body than city

living is!

City life all the way Country life might be interesting for old people that prefer doing nothing at


Also, people say that there are no annoying neighbors in the country, but that’s just because

those people live in the middle of nowhere… Did you ever wonder why these are just a few

people living in the country? It’s because no one wants to go there!

In the city, you can do everything you want, at any time.

NoahMuns: How can you possibly judge living in the country when you’re nothing but a city

person ( no offense). But honestly I was born and currently live on a ranch in the Colorado

Rockies which is almost the same thing but bit better, and I don’t know a single soul who wants

to leave the nearby town and live in the city. We have huntin’ and fishin’ and banckin’ and many

more things. The point is if you’re looking to live the good life don’t live in the country or the


Resposta :

a. The author mentions some advantages of his/her option.  


b. The author lives in the country and in the city.


c. The author wrote the post when he /she was in the country.  


d. He / she says that things like computers and flat-screen TVs are related to city life.



e praticamente igual a do primeiro


a. The author mentions some advantages of his/her option.  


b. The author lives in the country and in the city.


c. The author wrote the post when he /she was in the country.  


d. He / she says that things like computers and flat-screen TVs are related to city life.



ESPERO de verdade ter ajudado

POR FAVOR deixe um coraçao e uma estrela nao importa qual seja