
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uso inadequado dos termos
gramaticais em destaque, de acordo com o uso da linguagem.
( ) A is used with singular countable nouns that begin with a consonant.
( ) An is used with singular countable nouns that begin with a vowel.
( ) Some can be used with plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns.
Some is used in positive statements.
( ) Any is usually used for plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns in
questions and positive statements.
( ) Few is used with plural countable nouns: cars, people, houses.
( ) Little is used with singular uncountable nouns : rain, love, time.

Resposta :


(X) Any is usually used for plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns in

questions and positive statements.


A frase diz que "Any é geralmente usado com substantivos contáveis no plural em perguntas e afirmações"

Isso está errado, já que any é usado com substantivos contáveis no singular, e é usado em afirmações, perguntas e negações.